Reduce The Signs Of Aging & Eliminate Imperfections!

As you age, your skin produces less collagen and elastin. This causes a loss of skin tone, increased facial fine lines, and wrinkles. To avoid this and improve your facial complexion, the team at Eternal Hair and Esthetics in Totowa, New Jersey, offers skin resurfacing treatments. If you’d like to improve your skin’s texture and take years off your face, call the office today or schedule your appointment online.

What is skin resurfacing

What is skin resurfacing?

Skin resurfacing, also known as photorejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure using lasers to treat skin conditions and remove the effects of aging, such as:

  • Scars
  • Wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Uneven skin tone

The team at Eternal Hair and Esthetics uses a one-of-a-kind carbon dioxide laser. This leads to a change in your appearance because this laser uses infrared wavelengths of light to heat the surface of your skin and remove damaged skin cells layer by layer. The treatment is best for tightening skin and eliminating the wrinkles on your face.

How skin resurfacing treatment works

What can I expect during my skin resurfacing treatment?

Prior to your treatment, it’s recommended you avoid unprotected sun exposure for a few weeks as it can alter the results of your carbon dioxide laser procedure. When you come in for your procedure, a specialized team member uses local anesthetics to numb your skin to ensure you have a relaxed and enjoyable experience.

After they numb your face, the laser is pointed directly at your skin. Little by little, the laser beam destroys the outer skin layer. Eventually new skin forms that’s tighter and smoother, giving you a glowing skin tone. Your skin resurfacing treatment should take between 30 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the size of the treated area.

Skin resurfacing result

How will I feel after the treatment?

After your treatment, your skin will feel a little itchy and raw due to old skin cells being shed. You should take extra precaution to care for your skin after your treatment. The Eternal Hair and Esthetics team will provide you special ointment to care for your skin, along with recommending you avoid the sun and strenuous exercise for a few days.

Depending on the area of your skin that was treated, you can expect new layers of skin to fully grow within one to two weeks. While severe side effects are rare, you may experience redness, itching, or swelling around the treated area. This is nothing to worry about, as it should dissipate within a few days.